24 April 2016
Did shipping just fail the climate test? premium
Shipping did not figure in the historical Paris agreement on climate change finalised in December last year. Rightly so, according to many in the industry, as the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) would be the appropriate organisation to deal with this. Last week was the first official occasion since the Paris meetings for the IMO to […]
20 April 2016
Towards a paradigm shift in container shipping? premium
The dominant paradigm in container shipping is “economies of scale”, but we might be heading for a paradigm shift. Away with mega-carriers, mega-ships and mega-ports! Instead: Smaller carriers with fewer assets, less debt, more flexibility; carriers that actually compete with each other. Smaller ships to provide more tailor-made solutions to customers. More ports called, also […]
16 April 2016
Economies of scale; a defunct shipping model? premium
The shipping sector seems to be slave to a very powerful and addictive idea, called “economies of scale”. This paradigm of always bigger has three elements: mega-ships, mega-carriers and mega-ports. The growth of these three has been spectular over the last decades. Many in the sector seem to believe that big is beautiful. And even […]
8 April 2016
Maritime transport: too cheap to be good premium
Global shipping is – in a way – a unique success story. Maritime transport costs declined spectacularly over the last decades. This has facilitated an economic model of specialisation on a truly global scale. So much so that even David Ricardo, one of the intellectual fathers of economic globalisation, would have been surprised. Maritime transport […]
31 March 2016
A new shipping blog: out of unease premium
There are hundred reasons why people start blogs; mine is unease. Unease with the current state of shipping, and unease with the lack of critical discussion on it. Shipping is essential to world trade and the well-being of nations, which seems to have made it immune to fundamental questions. Questions such as: Do we always […]